Tag Archives: bash

Nagios and `service restart`

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

This is usually the goto solution for failing/frozen services. Something’s wrong let’s just restart whatever. It gets as absurd as running a restart cronjob every hour or two! Of course restarting helps, but it’s not the best solution. It’s often better to find out what’s wrong to begin with, why the thing that is supposed to work is not working anymore.

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Headless Google Drive Uploads

Uploading files to Google Drive from the command line without any fancy agents, exotic libraries, dependencies should be simple. And here’s how it’s done…

First of all we need an Access Token for the Google Drive account we’re uploading to. This can be attained in many different ways. I’ve written a simple bash script to get Google API authentication and access tokens, which can be found here. Note: due to a bug somewhere, Google doesn’t seem to like drive scopes, so I’m using the all-enveloping https://docs.google.com/feeds for now.

Once you have you Access Token, calling the Google Drive API is simple using mere cURL. Multipart uploads allow you to inject metadata along with your file data in one request.

In short, you make a PUT or POST request to https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v2/files/?uploadType=multipart, with an Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN header, and a Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=$BOUNDARY content type.

The payload should look like so:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

{ "title": "My document", "parents": [ { "id": "xxxxxxxxx" } ] }

Content-Type: application/text



The whole script can be found here: https://github.com/soulseekah/bash-utils/blob/master/google-drive-upload/upload.sh. As you can see, we feed the whole file from stdin along with the necessary boundaries.

The “parents” argument “id” should be set to the ID of a folder in Google Drive. If left empty, the file will be uploaded to the root folder. You can get the ID from the URL in your Google Drive when visiting a folder. A list of mime-types for the file can be found in this stackoverflow answer.

Hope this helps folks out there that want to upload files to Google Drive from the command line.

Building WordPress for Android

WordPress clients are available for many devices, but since I’m an Android fan I get to use WordPress for Android.
Yesterday, I came across a bug report outside of the developer ecosystem, managed to reproduce the bug using the release version, and, decided to write and submit a patch to fix the bug.

The main WordPress for Android repository is over at GitHub. But as it turns out…

Building WordPress for Android

…one does not simply build WordPress for Android.

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Differential Backups using Git Bundles

There are a lot of self-hosted file and data backup solutions out there, most of which are clunky to set up and configure correctly. Many simply tar your whole directory and let you download a huge archive. Others will store snapshots “in the cloud”.

I like minimal, self-contained solutions. One excellent tool is, of course, rsync, which offers incremental file transfers, which is pretty neat, and saves space by only saving changed files from last checkpoint. This type of backup is usually referred to as incremental backsup. For your media collection or user file uploads this is great. But space can be saved even more if most of the changes are inside the files. This is where differential backup comes in. rsync doesn’t do differential backups. Moreover, there seems to be no straightforward access to history, diffs, etc.

Differential Backups using Git

“history”? “diffs”? Sounds like version control…

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tail -f | event

Monitoring log files for specific keywords and firing off an event turns out to be quite simple to accomplish in bash with a `while` loop.


tail -f $1 | while read line; do
    line=`echo -n "$line" | grep -i "$2"`
    if [ -n "$line" ]; then
        # mate-notify-send -t 0 "$2 has been logged"
        echo "$2 has been logged" | mail -s ...

Something I’ve been using quite a bit lately expecting keywords to show up in various local and remote logs (ssh ... "tail -f ..."). What log event monitoring tools do you use?

Also, since this is the second time I decided to share a bash snippet quickie and have received some improvement feedback on my first one I’ve created yet another “bash-utils” repository. Feel free to chime in.

Monitor Directory for Changes

Here’s a simple script that I setup for my development WSGI server to reload itself once changes in source code are detected:


while true; do
    A=`find $1 -printf '%t' | md5sum`;
    sleep 1
    B=`find $1 -printf '%t' | md5sum`;
    if [ "$A" != "$B" ]; then
        echo "Detected change, doing: $2"
        eval $2

It’s very simple (a poor-man’s replacement for inotify) and doesn’t do anything complicated. Usage ./monitor.sh application "my-reload-services.sh". You can filter out unwanted stuff like maybe *.swp files by referring to the man find pages.

What do you use to monitor for changes? How can the above script be improved?

Cross-server deployment with servermattic

About a week ago I did a post on Tiny Projects Inspired by WordPress. Readers who actually visited the Code.WordPress Trac would have noticed a tool called servermattic, which is described modestly as “install files and applications to many servers according to their role“.

What is servermattic?

servermattic is a template configuration that allows for deployment of code and configurations across multiple servers – write once, deploy on many machines, update as much as you want with revisions.

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