Tag Archives: security

WordPress Escape Functions

The process of escaping data an important one, since the lack of thereof can lead to XSS and other naughty and unexpected things, among the legit data that just breaks specific data formats.

WordPress Escape Functions

Consider HTML attributes. Imagine you have the following simple code:

$image_src = get_uploaded_image_src(); // not any specific function
echo '<img src="' . $image_src . '" />';

What if the uploaded image is called “Horizons” by LTJ Bukem.jpg? You end up with broken HTML: <img src=""Horizons" by LTJ Bukem.jpg" />… not to worry though, WordPress comes a dozen escape functions for taking care of all these sorts of things. However, with the myriad of escaping functions provided in WordPress, it is often times difficult to remember which is which and whether there is an escape function for a specific case.

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Random New User Password Generator for WordPress

Inspired by https://wordpress.org/extend/ideas/topic/random-password-for-new-users WordPress plugin idea, and a bit of time on my hands, I decided to code up a simple little plugin that is easy to understand and use.

Random User Passwords In WordPress

Meet the Random New User Passwords for WordPress plugin. It’s a minimum viable solution, with zero-configuration, so don’t expect much.

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The WordPress Meta “generator” Tag Paranoia

WordPress Version

…or “WordPress Version Fingerprinting”

I have read dozens of “How to secure your WordPress” articles, and one common “tip” among others is getting rid of the “generator” tag in the HTML head, for additional security through obscurity.

WordPress uses the meta “generator” tag to “disclose” its version. The paranoia surrounding this fact is unbelievable, and they think that by removing it they harden WordPress. And that is absolutely not true.

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The WordPress Plugin and Theme Editor Must Go

WordPress Vulnerability

…or “How WordPress Gets Hacked”

The prelude

With so many reports of WordPress sites being hacked in one way or another, I decided to see how exactly WordPress sites are being invaded. The WordPress Codex has an excellent FAQ section titled “My site was hacked“, and it’s great. Hardening WordPress is another fantastic entry that deserves even more attention.

Not so long ago, I setup a honeypot on one of my private servers. I grabbed the latest stable version of WordPress and installed it. Waiting for any new WordPress vulnerability to be exploited would not be viable (although the TimThumb vulnerability is occasionally being attempted). I considered the latest stable version of WordPress secure, correctly setup, so I chose the single weakest link in the chain, located between the chair and the screen – the Admin.

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Surviving An Internet Blackout

When The Internet Goes Down

On the 12th of February an Anonymous posted the following pastebin: Operation Global Blackout. In case the pastebin disappears here’s the plaintext: Operation Global Blackout Anonymous.

To protest SOPA, Wallstreet, our irresponsible leaders and the beloved bankers who are starving the world for their own selfish needs out of sheer sadistic fun, On March 31, the Internet will go Black.

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WordPress Newsletter Plugin Multisite Vulnerability

WordPress Newsletter Plugin Vulnerability

I have had the opportunity to work with the WordPress Newsletter Plugin from Tribulant, a plugin that rivals the free MailPress plugin, but with its own twist (and its own pricetag of $54.99 single license, $274.95 unlimited).

The WordPress Newsletter Plugin copy starts out by shouting:

A WordPress newsletter plugin which will, without a doubt, blow your mind away with its feature set…

And it does, after you take a look at one of its core features that they’re proud of:

Both PHP, HTML, CSS and WordPress shortcodes can be put into themes.

Newsletters: Themes Documentation

See anything wrong with that?

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