Javo Themes Spot LFI Vulnerability
Whew, it’s been a while…
I’ve had the misfortune to work with yet another theme from ThemeForest. A $60 premium theme and nothing less! Meet Javo Spot by Javo Themes…
Within half an hour of fiddling with it, trying to filter the output of their Listings Directory (which ended up being a 5-hour pain-in-the-butt task, which is a story for another day), I came across a glaring unauthenticated Local File Inclusion vulnerability (an LFI for short).
The available listings are cached in JSON format into a file in the uploads directory and then fetched via a GET on the listing archive page and rendered nicely. But there’s a cross-domain mode in the theme that uses JSONP, which allows the contents of the listing file to be output via an AJAX call to WordPress.
This is a responsibility borne upon a function called jvfrm_spot_get_json
/** * Cross Domain Ajax * * @type action * @function jvfrm_spot_get_json */ if ( !function_exists( 'jvfrm_spot_get_json' ) ) : add_action( 'wp_ajax_jvfrm_spot_get_json', 'jvfrm_spot_get_json' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_jvfrm_spot_get_json', 'jvfrm_spot_get_json' ); function jvfrm_spot_get_json() { $callback = isset( $_GET[ 'callback' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'callback' ] : ''; $file_name = isset( $_GET[ 'fn' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'fn' ] : ''; $upload_folder = wp_upload_dir(); if( '' !== $callback && '' !== $file_name ) { $json_file = "{$upload_folder['basedir']}/{$file_name}"; if( file_exists( $json_file ) ) { $content = file_get_contents( $json_file ); $output = "{$callback}({$content})"; die( $output ); } } die; } endif;
So, the jvfrm_spot_get_json
AJAX action lets you specify a file you want to fetch (under normal operations it’s the cached listing JSON file) via the $_GET['fn']
request parameter, which then gets tacked onto the uploads directory, read and output…
So by traversing the directory like so: ../../wp-config.php
we’re able to get the wp-config.php file (with its database credentials and nonce secrets and authentication salts) or the ../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
file perhaps?
Yes, the above images are from the Javo Themes demo site.
Having responsibly sent the proof-of-vulnerability link to their own site, Javo Themes showed complete lack of understanding:
Thank you for your report.
However, whenever we submit our updates or when it’s released, themeforest reviewers check vulnerability and we don’t have any problems.
If you see the link you gave me, it’s “wp-config.php” file which is not related with our theme. it’s a file of WordPress and it’s for server setting.
…seriously? 😀
If you’re unable to update the theme for one reason or another, the current fix is to disable the jvfrm_spot_get_json
function by adding the following code to your functions.php file.
add_action( 'init', function() { /** Disable LFI-vulnerable AJAX call in Javo Spot Premium WordPress Theme */ remove_action( 'wp_ajax_jvfrm_spot_get_json', 'jvfrm_spot_get_json' ); remove_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_jvfrm_spot_get_json', 'jvfrm_spot_get_json' ); }, 999 );
Stay safe and good luck out there. This is just one vulnerability in one theme from one vendor on ThemeForest. Are you willing to bet there are more?
Thanks for the article. Our reviewers take security very seriously. Sometimes things do fall through the cracks. We’ve begun our security protocols for mitigating this risk to customers and cleaning up this vulnerability with the author.
For future reference, if you discover a vulnerability and the author is not responsive, please open a ticket with our team so we can get our security team onto it right away.
Thanks again for making the public aware, security is everyone’s responsibility.
Is that serious?????????????????????????
Support, that says that this problem is not related to their work, should be fired and fined even!
Never seen such cynicism.
It seems like TF took down the theme (probably temporary).
I have one question though, did you first publish this blogpost and let the authors know or did you first contact the theme support and published the post after they’ve responded?
The way how WP core/security team handled the vulenrability in 4.7.1 is the good example how that should be done IMO.
The authors were contacted before this even became a post. The post was written in response to their lack of understanding, partly to explain to them what the vulnerability is and partly to show what a bad example of handling a security report issue by a theme developer is. The post was password protected for over 36 hours and accessible by their team for review, there were no objections from them to making it public after that. ThemeForest was contacted with a takedown request shortly thereafter.
Thanks for explaining, I love your approach!
I’m sure there are many other themes with similar issues. There are so many updates every day, the Envato security team can’t check them all for 100%.
At least the Javo themes website is patched now, while I’m wondering how save their web server is. A PHP script shouldn’t be able to access files inside the /etc/ directory.
One of the problems I see on Themeforest is that many theme sellers are actually not the developer. So they don’t have the knowledge to recognize this problems in the first way.
Nice find! Have you submitted it to wpvulndb.com?
Last year I found an XSS (and loads more stupid code) in a premium theme Akal. Fortunately it’s completely gone, but I guess there are still people using it. The write-up is here: https://www.saotn.org/wordpress-advisory-akal-theme-xss-vulnerability/
I have 🙂 https://wpvulndb.com/vulnerabilities/8736
Thank you again for bringing this flaw to our attention. We have resolved the issue and Envanto has confirmed. Our theme is now available on Themeforest.
Thank you!
Javo themes
hahaha so funny 🙂
This is Mike from Javo theme.
I am writing if anyone has a misunderstanding that we didn’t mean to ignore the report.
Jason didn’t really realize the issue on the first email. ( he is not a developer. )
After soulseekah replied, he passed it to our developers to have a look and they started fixing it. However, it delayed due to a weekend and an urgent issue they were working on. After that Evanto also found and disabled our product while we were working on it.
It eventually has been fixed and confirmed by Envato reviewers.
We also sent update emails to our clients to updates.
We didn’t mean to ignore bugs and any important issues. There are always unexpected issues and we do our best to fix them.
We really appreciate you finding the vulnerability and informing us. We also apologize for any delay and issues we had.
Best regards,