Tag Archives: themes

What `the_content` goes through

the_content is one of the most known WordPress template tags. It wraps itself around the get_the_content tag (a little lower in the source) and applies the the_content filter to it.

the_content filters in WordPress

the_content filter applies at least 10 default filter functions to the content before displaying it. WordPress post content is usually just altered here and there, not too drastically (except shortcodes, of course), and sometimes you just have to know what to expect when displaying filtered content.

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The Twenty Twelve WordPress Theme: A First Look

WordPress changeset #19842 in the trunk welcomed the initial commit of the new Twenty Twelve WordPress theme by Drew Strojny. 28 files of something completely different. The commit message describes Twenty Twelve’s:

…much more minimalist approach that affords easy use as a CMS in addition to being blog-forward

twentytwelve 0.5

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